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    First comes love,
       then comes puppy

    A guide for couples who just realized they don't want to screw this, any of this, up.

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    A guide for couples who just realized they don’t want to screw this, any of this, up. (1).
    bait anchr
    White Grass

    You just brought home your first puppy. The two of you are all smiles just looking at that snuggly little wiggle butt sniffing around its new home. Your home. The home you and your partner Share. You are so excited!

    And then it hits you: “Wait, do we even know how to raise a puppy?”

    You look at your partner. Suddenly, secretly, you wonder, “Am I going to be doing this alone? Who is getting up with this dog in the middle of the night tonight for a potty run? Will they help me train it? Do they even know anything about training a dog? Come to think of it, do I?” 

    You look back at that adorable little puppy. You had done some research, you talked to friends with dogs. You knew what you were getting into. You thought. Still, a wave of anxiety washes over you. “Did it always have such sharp little teeth? Has it stopped moving since we brought it home? Puppies do rest sometimes… right? Was it always this jumpy?” A thousand new and frightening thoughts pop into your head. What have you done!?
    My own professional dog training journey began when, on the first anniversary of dating, my boyfriend and I drove a few hours away to pick up my new puppy. We were not living together yet, and in fact wouldn’t move in together for another year, but there was no doubt that my then boyfriend would be an integral part of my new puppy’s life. Now, years later, we are married with our first child, having already successfully raised an amazing dog. 

    In the years between, I became a certified professional dog trainer and have since coached several hundreds of people on how to raise and train their dogs. My most dedicated and enthusiastic clients were often the young couples, just starting out, who chose to make getting a puppy one of the first big joint ventures they attempted together. There are few things as satisfying as watching a couple and their dog learn and grow together. I loved watching and guiding them towards using their individual strengths to form a cohesive team dedicated to raising their new family member. This book will help many more couples, some just starting out and some together for decades, navigate first time dog ownership as a couple. 

    Sure, you love your partner. But can you work with them? You will be forced to communicate, compromise, and coordinate your efforts in ways you may have not yet had to in your relationship. Having coached many, many couples, it is my belief that you are up for the challenge and I will guide you through all the basics. Puppy nipping? Potty training? Walking on leash? I’ve got you. And along the way, I’ll help you not to destroy the relationship that got you here in the first place. So grab your partner’s hand and let’s get started!

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    About the Author

    Nicole has been professionally training dogs and their people since 2014, earning her certification from the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers in the spring of 2016. She enjoys teaching group training classes and educating people about behavior and and dog body language.

    After giving birth to her first child in the midst of the pandemic in 2020, she decided to take a break from training to dedicate her time to being a full time stay-at-home mom. Now she is using any spare time she finds to bring this book to life in order to provide assistance to as many people as she can, even when she is not actively teaching classes.

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